At Waddington’s we believe we have a custodial role in our community, and actively embrace initiatives like Project Trident, IOD Work Shadowing and DEC (Design Engineering and Construction) in order to help young people understand how exciting and accessible our industry is.

We also organise design and drawing workshops in several local schools, to help build creative confidence, curiosity and have some fun. Fun’s important to us.

Do get in touch if your school has a program in which we could help.


Architecture Books for Hautlieu School!

As part of our exciting move to 8 Hill Street Waddington’s are delighted to have helped Hautlieu School and delivered them a wide range of books we simply don’t have enough space for anymore.

We’ve always supported our Island’s schools through intiatives like DEC!, Project Trident, IOD Workshadowing and other really worthwhile community initiatives, so we really hope the books will be enjoyed!


Inspiring the Next Generation

Bruno from our office spent some time recently with students at Les Quennevais School talking to them about ways to improve energy efficiency in buildings through design.

This is a great initiative developed by DEC Design, Engineer, Construct – by investing in our youth so that we have a better place to live in the future!



Project Trident

We’ve had a great time this week showing Juline, our current Trident student, what we get up to. So far Juline’s been trying out 3D modelling and joining us on site visits. Next week she will be joining our Interiors department on some of their site visits and creating concept boards with them too!


DEC Feedback Session

Last week Bruno lectured the Year 10 students at Les Quennevais School as part of the DEC in Schools Programme on the initial design concept process. He was able to provide feedback to each student on their developing conceptual design projects which included Sports Centres, Restaurants and even a new Hospital!


Year 3 Victoria College Prep.

Motivating Young Minds

Bruno our Head of Architecture held a talk with the Year 3’s at Victoria College Prep, giving them an insight into a career in architecture.

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Hautlieu Year 11

Drawing Workshop

Following our initial workshops held at De La Salle, we were lucky to be invited to join a Year 11 class at Hautlieu to give them an insight into the design industry!



De La Salle Workshop

"Beauty and delight in everyday life."

We had the chance to join a year 10 Design Technology class at De La Salle and give them an insight into the world of architecture.

Focusing on ‘beauty and delight in everyday life’ we focused on small everyday objects and the intricate details you might normally ignore.

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