
Glen Fox and The Limes

How did Glen Fox get involved producing the artwork on The Limes development?

My involvement in The Limes development came about due to exposure and the skate community. Mike Waddington, the owner of Waddington Architects, is the visionary behind Limes. His son had seen the magazine article and showed it to him.

Coincidently, Mike was already familiar with some of my mural work around Jersey. He reached out and we met at the firm to discuss the scope of the project. The firm has a very community conscious and people-centred approach to design, which resonated with me.

I was blessed when he then asked me to collaborate with them.

Could you tell us more about the conception of the designs?

As part of the project, local students were invited to participate in a series of workshops over several weekends. I worked with them to develop their confidence and style before briefing them and brainstorming for the project.

They were encouraged to reflect on our identity as a community, the local area and where they found beauty in their surroundings.

During the discussions they articulated a vibrant and untainted understanding of what it is to experience our community and belong to it.

From there the students began drawing, giving visual form to their vision. Their drawings were reflectiveof the simple things around us that we should be grateful for.

Largely, they depicted things in our community that bring us joy or might help us to experience it. These included public spaces, transport, family, animals, beaches and so on.

In the final workshops we provided the students with several large canvases. These served as mock panels for them to present their finished concepts on.

I was then able to take the panels and uniform them through my own style and expression.

The entire process, from start to finish, meant that I was able to understand and ensure the student’s vision was maintained.

It’s great to now see it at the Limes, in a timeless and professional display of public art.

(with thanks to Bailiwick Express)

Read the full article here


Glen Fox at The Limes

In his inimitable style, local artist Glenn Fox has added a layer of family life to the balconies and façade of our development at The Limes. The flowing, seemingly endless lines of his work are a delightful contrast to the rectilinear architectural composition.



Art is part of the DNA of our work and collaborating with artists is part of our design thinking

Having worked with architect Will Alsop in London during the 1990’s and collaborated with his friend, artist Bruce McLean on several projects, Mike Waddington has a long track record of exploring the continuum between design, architecture and art. Will Alsop’s work uniquely blurred the distinction between art and architecture.

Today, the team at Waddington’s continue to embrace the simple idea that working with artists usually creates unexpected delight in our projects.

We’ve collaborated with acclaimed international artists including Anthony Gormley, Langlands & Bell, Michael Sandle, James Carpenter, Keith Wilson, Mariele Neudecker, Peter Burke and Tim Morgan, but we also enjoy working with local artists Jason Butler and Nicholas Romeril, amongst others.

We have recently got together with local art student Charlie Craig who created a fabulous concrete bas-relief for the façade of our Belmont Court development, as his major A-level project. He has since gained a place at Art School in the UK and we continue to stay in touch, and exchange ideas about future collaborations to enrich our community and built environment. It’s what moves us. Beauty. And fun. And bringing light and joy to our projects. Because art is in our DNA as professionals.


Emily Allchurch

Locally born, but internationally acclaimed, artist Emily Allchurch gave us a window into her world of old masters mixed with our contemporary world, in a witty and socially aware series of visually stunning collages.


Le Clos Couriard Glass Panels

The Summerland site was named “Le Clos Couriard”, in memory of ‘Mitch’ Couriard MBE, who passed away in October 2015. Mitch was one of Jersey’s best known Honorary Police Officers, known to many Islanders for his work policing high profile events such as the Battle of Flowers.

Designed by the Arch-Isle Photographic Artist in Residence, Tanja Deman, the floral ideas for the public artwork were inspired by Mitch and the Battle of Flowers.

‘Picture-perforated ’aluminium car park ventilation panels and vinyl film on glazed doors, depict pixelated floral images all photographed in the neighbouring area.

Each has a different feel during the daytime, or when backlit at night.


Hemery Row - Glass Kernels

In 1798 Jean Brohier sold to Jacques Hemery La Maison Colombier buildings and land known as Le Manoir de Tehi in the Parish of St Helier, Fief of Buisson. (Not Colomberie House, but an older property.) The price was 31 quartiers of wheat. The purchaser was given possession of the property on 25 December 1798. This land became Hemery Row.

We were intrigued by the history surrounding the site of Hemery Row and the idea of bartering the ‘purchase’with locally grown wheat. It seems counter-intuitive that the countryside funded the growth of town.

We set a brief for Jacqui Rutter’s JCG Art Students to make 31 ‘glass’ kernels of wheat for the metalwork gates in memory of this historic transaction. They visited AA Langlois’s Recycling Centre at La Colette and used bottle glass for the project.

Each kernel is individually designed and has embedded floral wire-forms, resembling insects embedded in fossilised amber.

Organic in shape, varying in colour and thickness, the‘Glass Kernels’colour and translucency are beautiful during the day and glow warmly at night.


Charlie Craig wins Student of the Year at the Jersey Design Awards 2019

Charlie, a former student at Hautlieu, worked with the professional team at Belmont Court to deliver the Percentage for Art panel which also formed his A-level Art coursework.

Find out more about working with artists


Judas Tree Panels

The existing Judas tree growing in the Atlantic Hotel garden has been badly damaged by the storms and became a safety concern. Instead of replacing it we made the effort to not only save it but also enhance its setting by providing ornamental panels that support the branches and complement the soft landscaping – which helps to blend it in with the surroundings.

The pattern on the perforated panels reflects the elements and the local marine environment, which had both the good and bad impact on the tree and created its unique character.

The selected material for the panels – the corten steel and their ‘earthy’ colour gives the impression of stability and makes the tree look ‘grounded’ in its environment.

Backlit by the sun during the day the panels cast interesting shadows on the pavement while at night, lit up by ambient lighting, they enhance the dining terrace atmosphere and the customer’s experience.

Our small, sculptural tree supports won a Jersey Design Award in 2019.

More photos on Instagram


Architecture Meets Art

Mike Waddington and Tony Reason met in London in 1988 while they were both working for Will Alsop and John Lyall.

Tony’s background as a talented artist enabled him to master architectural model making, which he still does today, and as a result Mike and Tony worked together on several architectural competitions and commissions.

Eager to spread their wings Mike and Tony, with other friends, formed an experimental architectural group called World House Domination. WHD gate-crashed the RIBA Masterclass in 1988  and were commended by Sir Richard Rogers for their efforts. They also created installations and live architectural performance art in London.

Tony’s career has lead him to living in Germany, and Mike runs Waddington Architects, Interiors & Landscape in Jersey.

Mike and Tony have kept in touch and recently collaborated on an International Ideas Competition for Railway Footbridges in the UK.

In 1999 Mike helped Tony set up an exhibition of his work at the Berni Gallery, which was a great success, and twenty years later they collaborated again for their ‘Architecture Meets Art’ exhibition.

See more from the exhibition...


Collaborating with renowned international artist Michael Sandle RA

Waddington’s collaborated with renowned international artist Michael Sandle RA on the office development at 50 La Colomberie. Michael Sandle created the 2 alu-bronze relief panels depicting ‘Night & Day’ which can be seen on the facade of the building.

Recently our director Mike travelled to Michael’s office to collect the moulds for these panels which are now on display in our office.

50 La Colomberie